Bravo, Melissa » Language Arts and Reading

Language Arts and Reading

Hello Weatherford! 
This is my first year in the district and I would like to say that I am so happy to be here! Everyone I have met has been friendly and welcoming. I have enjoyed getting to know all my students and their families. I am excited to see what the remainder of the school year will bring! 
I would like to take a short moment to introduce myself:
This is my 7th year teaching and I am always looking for ways to improve myself professionally. I am a wife to a Marine Corps Veteran and mother to 3 wonderful children. I met my husband when I was 15, a freshman in high school. Our children are David, 18, William, 12, and Hailey, 10. We love doing things as a family. Our favorite vacations are always to the beaches of Navarre and Destin, Florida. My personal favorite hobbies include playing music (clarinet), swimming, reading, and going to church. We drive all the way to Burleson for our weekly dose of Pastor Troy Brewer. "A church alive is worth the drive!" 
It's nice to meet you all!!!